Does your desktop need decluttering? Are there old files that need to be binned or important docs that need to be filed? To mark Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day on Monday, here are some tips to getting a clearer workspace.

Having a cluttered desktop can be overwhelming – how can you find the files you need when they’re surrounded by old folders that are no longer important? Clogging up your computer with unnecessary photos and documents can also slow it down and lead to important files being lost.
So why not make some time now to have a good clear out? Finally delete those documents that should have been binned long ago and make it easier to find the ones you do need. To mark Monday’s #CleanYourVirtualDesktopDay, here are four steps to getting a clutter-free computer.
1. Sort and Delete
Start by going through your desktop to find the files that are no longer needed. Delete anything that’s old and is taking up much-needed space on your computer. If you do want to keep it, transfer it to a storage device or archive it (see step 3).
2. File It
Anything that is left over, sort them into folders. Name them, making sure to organise them so files are easy to locate - you don’t want to spend half your time searching through your computer looking for important documents.
3. Back Up, Back Up, Back Up!
This is so important. While it can be quicker and easier to find files on your desktop, make sure they’re stored somewhere safe or backed up, just in case your computer breaks.
Transfer or back up the folders to a storage device, such as a flash drive or a website like Dropbox, or save them on your hard drive (read our blog to discover which online tools we can’t live without). If you do move your files from your desktop but want to be able to find them easily, you can try creating short-cuts.
4. Tidy Up
Put the finishing touches to your desktop by giving it a good tidy up, this could include getting rid of any unused icons, decluttering your email (get some tips here) and backing up any photos. Finish off by updating or adding a nice photo to your background.
A clutter-free desktop not only looks nice but will make it easier and quicker to use, and help you feel less overwhelmed and more motivated to work.
We’d love to hear your tips for a clearer desktop. How do you organise yours? Let us know on our contact page and we’ll share the best tips on Instagram.
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